Ask for your  Digital Kit

The Government of Spain has launched an economic aid program for the digital transformation of PYMES and the self-employed.

More information
Kit digital
Logos kit digital

What is it?

It is a grant for the implementation of digital solutions in small companies, micro-companies and self-employed workers, to improve their level of digital maturity.

It is funded by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU program.

Download the guide to learn more

What is it for?

With the digital voucher you will be able to access the solutions that best suit your business and your needs.

The amount of the bonus will depend on the size of your company.

With this voucher you can choose the solutions you need, such as a website, e-commerce or CRM, among others.

Discover all the options available

What does Icnea offer you?

  • Category: Sitio web y presencia en Internet

    Corporate website and SEO optimization

    The main purpouse is to have a web page to give yourself visibility on the internet.

    Price between 2350€ - 3300€
  • Category: Comercio electrónico

    Website for holiday rentals properties

    The main purpouse is to create a website to sell your services using digital means for all the process.

    Price between 2350€ - 3300€
  • Category: Gestión de clientes

    CRM solution to attract guests

    The main purpouse is to digitize and optimize the management of business relationships with your clients.

    Price between 600€ - 6000€